Quail Creek Republican Club
!! Summer BBQ/ Kegger Rally !!
Thursday, July 16
Don’t miss the premier political rally of the summer!! The Quail Creek Republican Club will hold its 2020 summer BBQ/Kegger at Tay’s BBQ in Vail (Corona De Tucson). It’s your chance to feast on a sumptuous BBQ menu, enjoy 2 free beers (compliments of the Quail Creek Republican Club), and meet and chat with candidates before you cast your vote in the upcoming primary election.
Tay’s BBQ
16461 So. Houghton Rd.
(Just south of Sahuarita Rd. on So. Houghton Rd.)
Corona de Tucson, Arizona
Thursday, July 16, 2020
5:00 – 9:00 PM
$25 per person, including 2 free beers!
Menu: Pulled Pork, Pulled Chicken, Cole Slaw, Beans, Texas Toast, Mac n Cheese, Pickles, Iced Tea and Water.
Get your tickets NOW!
Visit the Quail Creek Republican website at www.quailcreekrepublicans.com
(tickets by credit card via PayPal)
Deadline Saturday, July 11
QCRC Meetings/
Activity Schedule
The Quail Creek Republican Club normally meets at 9:30AM on the third Friday of the month; in lieu of physical meetings, we are continuing online Zoom or YouTube meetings. Watch for announcements.
for updates, check http://www.quailcreekrepublicans.com/calendar/
July 16, 2020
Summer BBQ/ Kegger Rally at Tay’s BBQ (Corona de Tucson) – see front page
August 21, 2020
Next QCRC Monthly Meeting
(Mark your calendar)
Special Request:
Pima County Elections is requesting poll workers for the 2020 election cycle. Poll watchers are needed at every polling site; we need your help. If interested, please call at (520)-724-6830.
Area Meetings
The Pima County Republican Club Weekly Luncheon hosts interesting speakers every Tuesday from 11:30-1:00 at the Sabbar Shrine Temple, 450 S. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ. Lunch charge is $12.00.
for updates, check https://www.facebook.com/pg/PimaCountyRepublicanClub/events
The Green Valley/ Sahuarita Republican Club meets on the first Thursday of each month (except Jun., Jul., Aug.), 9:00 am at 101 S. La Canada, Suite 60, Green Valley Village.
Schedule (as of 6/30) at end of Newsletter **
for updates check
Complete July Newsletter