Quail Creek Republican Club Meeting
Friday, June 21, 900AM
Ocotillo Room-Quail Creek Kino Conf. Cntr.
Featured Speaker: Drew Sexton
Arizona State Director – Republican National Committee
We are very excited to introduce Drew Sexton, our Arizona State Director for the Republican National Committee and the man who will work tirelessly to re-elect President Donald Trump and Arizona Republicans in 2020. Drew has worked as the Campaign Manager for Moses Sanchez, Mayoral Candidate for Phoenix; on the Public Affairs and Communications Staff of Governor Jan Brewer; as an Account Executive for HighGround, Inc.; for the Matt Salmon for Congress campaign focusing on campaign strategy, volunteer and community relations, and grassroots organization building; and on various campaigns working on social media, website, and press releases. Drew knows campaigning!
Drew is a graduate of Arizona State University with a BA in Political Science and Economics. His passion for building coalitions to elect quality candidates, improve government, and Make America Great Again has been demonstrated in his successful campaign efforts and his get out the vote results. We look forward to hearing from Drew and learning what we can do in Quail Creek to re-elect President Trump and Republicans throughout the great State of Arizona.