ARTICLE I-Organization Section 1. The name of the organization is the Quail Creek Republican Club (QCRC). Section 2. The purpose of the organization is to support and promote the principles and objectives of the Republican Party in the community known as Quail Creek, Arizona and to support and promote the common goals of Legislative District Section 3. Any person who resides in Quail Creek and supports the principles and objectives of the Republican Party is eligible for membership in the organization. Membership is effectuated by submitting to the organization a QCRC application and any applicable dues payment. Section 4. Dues may be established by a vote at an annual meeting or other meeting of the general membership. In the event that dues are instituted, the payment of dues (annual or otherwise) is a requirement for membership in the organization. Section 5. A person in compliance with Article I, Sections 4 &5 is a member in good standing. A member shall be removed from the membership rolls if he/she is not in compliance with Article I, Sections 4 & 5. A member may be removed for good cause by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE II-General Section 1. For purposes of these by-laws “members in good standing” are those members who are in compliance with Article I, Sections 4 & 5 as evidenced by the records maintained by the Board of Directors. Section 2. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern any matters not governed by these by-laws. Section 3. Notice of meetings of the general membership and the Board of Directors shall be provided by utilizing the Quail Creek Home Owners Association “What’s Happening e-mail.” If the Board of Directors determines that circumstances do not permit reasonable notice by utilizing the Quail Creek Home Owners Association “What’s Happening e-mail,” notice may be effectuated by e-mail, phone call, mail, or other means as determined by the Board of Directors utilizing the membership information maintained by the Membership chair. Other notices provided by these by-laws may be effectuated by e-mail, phone call, mail, or other means as determined by the Board of Directors utilizing the membership information maintained by the Membership chair. Section 4. In the event of exigent circumstances, the President may call a meeting of the Board of Directors without notice to the general membership. The details of actions taken at this meeting shall be reported at the next general meeting of the membership. ARTICLE III-Meetings of the Membership Section 1. An annual meeting of the general membership upon reasonable notice shall occur as soon as practicable after December 1 for the election of officers and other business properly brought before the membership. Section 2. Other meetings of the general membership upon reasonable notice may be scheduled throughout the year at the call of the President or the Board of Directors. Section 3. A majority of the members in good standing upon reasonable notice may call a meeting of the general membership. Section 4. A quorum shall be a majority of those members in good standing present at the annual meeting or general membership meeting.Section 5. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with these by-laws and Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall resolve any matters not governed by these by-laws. ARTICLE IV-Officers Section 1. The officers of the Quail Creek Republican Club shall be: the President, the 1st Vice President, the 2nd Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Program Chair, and the Membership Chair, and two At-Large Members. Collectively these officers shall be known as the Board of Directors. Section 2. The officers shall be members in good standing of the QCRC and elected by the membership at the annual meeting for a term of one year and until his/her successor has assumed his/her office. At-Large members are elected to staggered two-year terms with one at-large member elected each year.Section 3. The President shall not serve more than two consecutive terms of office. Sections 4. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the 1st Vice President shall assume the office. If the vacancy is filled prior to July 1, this shall constitute a term of office for purposes of Article IV, Sec. 3; however, if the vacancy is filled July 1 or thereafter, this shall not constitute a term of office for purposes of Article IV, Sec. 3. If the 1st Vice President is unable to serve as President, the line of succession shall be the 2nd Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Program Chair, and the Membership Chair. All other vacancies among the officers shall be filled by appointment of the Board of Directors and the appointed officer shall serve for the remaining term of the vacated officer. Section 5. An officer may be removed for good cause after notice, the opportunity to be heard before the Board of Directors, and upon the vote of a majority of the members of the Board of Directors of the existence of good cause or by a majority vote of the QCRC members in good standing of the existence of good cause. The failure of an officer to attend 50% of the meetings of the membership or 50% of the meetings of the Board of Directors during any consecutive four month period shall be deemed good cause, unless a majority of the Board of Directors finds such absences unavoidable. For purposes of this Section, the officer in question shall not sit as a member of the Board of Directors, be considered as a member of the Board for determining a quorum or a majority, vote as a member of the Board of Directors, vote as a QCRC member in good standing, nor be considered as a member in good standing for determining a majority. ARTICLES V-Duties of the Officers and Board of Directors Section 1. The President shall be the presiding officer of the annual meeting, meetings of the general membership, and meetings of the Board of Directors. The President shall be entitled to vote at these meetings. Unless otherwise provided in these by-laws, he/she shall appoint the chair and members of all QCR committees. The President shall be a voting member of all such committees, except any nominating committee or audit committee. The President shall perform all other duties ordinarily pertaining to the office of President. Section 2. The 1st Vice President shall execute the duties of the President in the absence of the President. The 1st Vice President shall be responsible for publicity and public relations for the QCR, including the preparation of any QCRC newsletter. The 1st Vice President shall also assist the President as directed by the President. The 1st Vice President shall perform all other duties ordinarily pertaining to the office of Vice President. In his/her absence, the President may appoint another member of the Board to temporarily perform any necessary publicity or public relations duties of the 1st Vice President. Section 3. The 2nd Vice President shall be responsible for keeping the members and board of directors apprised of any federal, state, county, and local proposals, actions, legislation, or court decisions that may be of interest to the QCRC and apprised of the actions of any government official or any candidate or potential candidate for office that may be of interest to the QCRC. He/she shall exercise his/her duties in consultation with the President and the Board of Directors. The 2nd Vice President, with the approval of the President, may appoint from the general membership a committee to assist in the performance of his/her duties. In his/her absence, the President may appoint another member of the Board to temporarily perform any necessary duties of the 2nd Vice President. Section 4. The Secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings; maintain the records of the QCRC; perform all duties ordinarily pertaining to the office of Secretary. In his/her absence, the President may appoint another member of the Board to act as Secretary to temporarily perform any necessary duties. Section 5. The Treasurer shall receive any dues, contributions, or monies paid to the QCRC; safeguard the funds of the QCRC; file any required tax documents and perform all duties ordinarily pertaining to the office of Treasurer. The Treasurer shall prepare and present a current financial report at each Board meeting. In his/her absence, the President may appoint another member of the Board to act as Treasurer to temporarily perform any necessary duties. Section 6. The Program Chair shall be responsible for arranging the meetings of the members, events, programs, or speakers for the QCRC. He/she shall exercise his/her duties in consultation with the President and the Board of Directors. The Program Chair, with the approval of the President, may appoint from the general membership a committee to assist in the performance of his/her duties. In his/her absence, the President may appoint another member of the Board to act as Program Chair to temporally perform any necessary duties. Section 7. The Membership Chair shall maintain the roster of the general membership of the QCRC who are in good standing. He/she shall plan and conduct operations on a continuing basis to increase the membership of the QCRC and perform such necessary associated duties. The Membership Chair, with the approval of the President, may appoint from the general membership a committee to assist in the performance of his/her duties. In his/her absence, the President may appoint another member of the Board to act as Membership Chair to temporally perform any necessary duties. Section 8. The duties of the two At-Large Members shall be determined by the President. Section 9. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for conducting the necessary activities and affairs of the QCRC and act on behalf of the QCRC in this regard during the periods of time between the meetings of the general membership. ARTICLE VI-Meetings of the Board of Directors Section 1. The Board of Directors shall meet at least once quarterly (Jan.-March, April-June, July-September, and October-December); except the Board, by majority vote, may omit a meeting during the July-September period. The Board of Directors shall also meet at the call of the President, of a majority of the members of the Board of Directors, or of 20% of the QCRC members in good standing. Section 2. The Board shall conduct necessary business of the QCRC and plan initiatives and programs for the benefit, enjoyment, and improvement of the QCRC. Section 3. A quorum to conduct business shall be a majority of the Board. However, any vacancy in an office shall not be considered in determining a majority of the Board of Directors. Section 4. The meetings of the Board of Directors shall be open to QCRC members in good standing. The attendee may speak at the appropriate point determined by the President, when recognized by the President, and for the time allotted by the President. The attendee is not entitled to vote at the meeting of the Board of Directors. Section 5. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with these by-laws and Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall resolve any matters not governed by these by-laws. ARTICLE VII-Finances. Section 1. The Treasurer shall submit a budget at the January meeting of the Board of Directors. Following approval of said budget by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, no financial obligations, outside the approved budget, shall be incurred by any club member or Board member, without a majority vote of the Board of directors or majority vote at a meeting of the general membership. Section 2. The QCRC shall adhere to the requirements of the Quail Creek Property Owners Association in regard to the collections, handling, and expenditure of any organization funds. ARTICLE VIII-Endorsements. Section 1. The QCRC shall not endorse any candidate in a contested primary contest. Section 2. A member of the Board of Directors of the QCRC shall not endorse any candidate in a contested primary contest by identifying himself/herself as a member of the Board of Directors of the QCRC. Section 3. The QCRC may, after careful review and consideration, offer its recommendation on any initiative or proposition on the ballot. Section 4. The QCRC or the Board of Directors shall not endorse any candidate from any other party. ARTICLE IX-Amendments. Section 1. These by-laws may be revised or amended at a general meeting of the membership by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members in good standing present, provided such proposal shall have been previously approved by a majority of the Board of Directors. Section 2. These by-laws may be revised or amended at a general meeting of the membership by a majority vote of the members in good standing. Adopted June, 30, 2006 Amended January 19, 2007 Amended March 18, 2016 Amended December 14, 2023 |