Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels
Friday, October 25, 2019
Ocotillo Room – Kino Conference Center, Quail Creek
Coffee and Socializing – 9:00 AM
Meeting Begins at 9:30 AM
October meeting of the Quail Creek Republican Club will continue the
focus on border security issues. Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels
will visit Quail Creek. The meeting is on Friday, October 25rd beginning at 9:00 AM in the Ocotillo Room at the Kino Conference Center.
Sheriff Dannels is a 35 year veteran of law enforcement. He is a member
of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council, and a
current member of the National Sheriff’s Association where he serves as
the Immigration and Border Security Chairman. Sheriff Dannels has been
recognized and awarded the Medal of Valor, Western States Sheriff of the
Year, and National Police Hall of Fame.
Sheriff Dannels will provide an insider look at what is happening at our
southern border. Don’t miss his exciting and informative address!